Mac Vs Pc For College 2018

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The 14 Best Laptops for College Students to Buy in 2018. Search the site GO. Buying Guides. Computers & Tablets Laptops Desktops Tablets. (2018) See on See. You’re probably going to want to game on your PC. You’ll want a GPU that can handle the graphics of modern games as well as a powerful enough CPU to run their.

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Macbook vs pc 2018I'm trying to buy a laptop for myself. Nothing too fancy; just something on which I can play some games and watch some movies when I'm not using the MacBook Air given to me by work or testing out loaner laptops for review.Right now, I'm strongly leaning towards a Windows 10 laptop, not least because I've come to prefer Microsoft's operating system over even the latest Apple MacOS. But it's also because, you know, Windows laptops are almost always cheaper than a comparable Mac, and I'm not made of money.And yet, buying a Windows laptop can be an extremely frustrating and time-consuming process, and all the Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Asus machines I'm looking at tend to blur together after a while.Just browsing the PC section at any given store involves comparing a lot of very similar looking machines, all with very slight variations on screen resolution, processor speed, memory, and the like. I like to think of myself as reasonably tech savvy, and it's still exhausting — not to mention the fear I might pick the 'wrong' PC and waste my cash.It's a great reminder of just how smart Apple has gotten in the twenty or so years since Steve Jobs came back to the company and launched the company-saving iMac: Buying a Mac is so much easier and more straightforward than buying a PC ever has been. And it's a big part of why Apple keeps growing market share in a shrinking PC industry.The genius of AppleIf you have an older MacBook, the new MacBook is guaranteed to be better. Trade up the thing you know you like for the newest version of the thing you like. Apple only has five PC product lines to choose from — MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air, plus the iMac and languishing Mac Pro and Mac Mini desktop computers.This is a vastly streamlined process, taking a lot of the stress out of computer shopping. Walk in to an Apple Store with your budget set, and Apple has the right laptop for that price point — provided you're willing to spend at least $499 for the Mac Mini or $999 for the MacBook Air, the cheapest Apple desktop and laptop computers you can currently get.And speaking of the Apple Store, that was another big Steve Jobs initiative that really helped the Mac become what it is today. It provides a friendly place to try Macs out, as well as knowledgeable staff members who can help you figure out if you really need a MacBook Pro versus a MacBook Air. All of this together, combined with its famed 'It Just Works' approach to software, is a big part of why Apple can command luxury prices, even when the specs on each individual machine may not be anything special compared to a PC. Macs don't even have touchscreens yet!They're simply easier to buy, and you can be assured you're getting something better when you trade up from last year's model to the new one. People are willing to pay when you spare them a difficult decision.On babies and bathwaterFrom Microsoft's perspective, Apple's oversimplified approach is throwing the babies out with the bathwater: One of the longtime strengths of Windows is that you can get it on expensive, high-end gaming PCs, or you can get it on the cheap $200 laptops you can find at Walmart. It's been this way pretty much since Windows launched in the 80's.As an operating system company, not primarily a hardware company, Microsoft is a big fan of Windows making its way to computers of all shapes and sizes. The variety and choice available to the consumer is a wonderful thing, but it also increases complexity and the difficulty of making a decision.At the same time, Microsoft is attacking Apple's market position with its Surface line of hardware. In the same way that this year's MacBook is better than last year's MacBook, the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 is better than the Surface Pro 3, which is better than the 2. It's a clear, logical way to label its own premium hardware line that makes things clear to customers without going into the specs.And while they're not as common as the Apple Store in most places, the company has made a big bet on the Microsoft Store, where the company showcases a relative select few Windows laptops and tablets, with employees on hand to guide through the process and offer tech support.Still, not everybody can go to a Microsoft Store, and not everybody can afford those higher-end machines. I have a hunch that a lot of shoppers end up just buying what's on sale at Best Buy or Costco that week and moving on with their lives. That's how PC shopping has always been, and as long as there's a PC market, that's how it'll always be. And I'll probably still pick up a Windows 10 laptop. It's just that this process has really made me reflect on how Apple spotted a real hole in the market, and exploited it for all it's worth.Mac vs pc for collegeMac Vs Pc For College 2018

Mac Vs Pc For College 2018 Bowl

Mac Vs Pc For College 2017

When I was a kid in the late 1990s, most everyone I knew had a Windows 95 PC — myself included.But I had this one friend whose family owned a Mac, one of those multicolored iMacs that were the company's first big product launch after Steve Jobs returned to the company.I loved video games, and he loved video games, but he especially loved games on his Mac. Well, one game in particular: 'Marathon,' a first-person shooter, which was only for the Mac.We got into fierce, weeklong arguments about it, in the way that only 10-year-olds can. He said the Mac may have less software, but what was there was simply better. I said the Windows PC was way more versatile. Each of us begrudged the other everything.Apple stoked the flames with its famous 'Get a Mac' ads circa the late 2000s, in which actors John Hodgman and Justin Long played a PC and a Mac, respectively, showing how the PC was old and stodgy but the Mac was young and hip. It was a big part of Apple's turnaround story — the iMac brought the company back from the brink of disaster, paving the way for the massive success of the iPod and then the iPhone, which turned Apple into the most valuable company in the world. Sometimes, it feels as though those days never ended.People are still crazy protective of the computers and phones they use. When Business Insider published a piece a little while back saying that Microsoft's Surface Book laptop might be a better buy for most people than the newest MacBook Pro models, we got some hate mail from the Apple crowd.Well, guess what? The world has moved on. And it's less of a 'choice' than ever before.Because so much of what we do these days is based in the browser and in the cloud, Mac versus PC is no longer a lifestyle decision like it was back when boxed software ruled all.It's just a matter of taste. Even Microsoft knows it.And in the exact same way, because of the rise of the App Store model, iPhone versus Android is barely a thing anymore to most people. That's why analysts now believe that iPhone versus Android is 'stable' — nobody cares anymore.The operating system wars are overAfter many years of being a Mac faithful, I've been using Windows 10 for the past year and a half or so. I found a lot to like (touch screens, Cortana, window management) and a lot that was annoying (random crashes, peculiar device issues).Every so often, like today, I switch back to the Mac just to make sure I stay familiar with both sides. And I'm rediscovering that there's a lot to like (performance, stability, iPhone-related superpowers like iMessage) and a lot that's annoying (no touch screen, no Cortana).They both fill a niche. And they're both successful for their parent companies in their own ways. Macs are highly profitable for Apple, which is still primarily a hardware company. Windows is everywhere, from cheap laptops to premium machines like the Surface Studio, and that's good for Microsoft, which is still mainly a software company.They can both win. Windows and Apple have their die-hard fans, sure, but they can happily coexist.The same goes for the mobile platforms, too.Apple and Google both won. Apple's iPhone is ridiculously profitable, while Android dominates with something like 87% of the market. Each of them got exactly what it wanted from the smartphone business. Apple is selling a lot of profitable iPhones; Google gets its web services and search engine in front of more people.So while iPhones and Androids may have few features that set them apart, they are still, by and large, running the same major apps, connecting to the same big services. Each phone operating system has its pluses and minuses, but each is pretty much as useful to a vast majority of people as the other.Maybe you like Instagram on iPhone better than Instagram on Android, but Instagram is still Instagram.It's all about the serviceIndeed, it's service that's going to make the difference going forward.Switching between a PC and Mac was simple because even my handwritten notes from the Windows 10 computer were stored in Microsoft's Office 365 cloud service. I didn't need to worry about syncing my music between computers because I use the Spotify service on my Mac and PC and iPhone.This is why Microsoft is making sure Office apps and services are available for the iPhone and Android. It's why Apple is going to bring its new Apple Music service to Android. It's why Google invests so much in the Chrome browser, which runs on both Windows and macOS and in web services like Google Photos.When the operating system doesn't matter, users are free to choose whatever service suits them, at any time.It also means that picking a computer or a phone is no longer like getting sorted into a house at Hogwarts. Go where you want, do what you want.So relax, and remember that you don't owe the big tech companies anything. Let them serve you, in the way that you want.